A course about architecture and filmmaking

Place: Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Date: 12 September – 23 October, 2014

The Budapest Architecture Film Days (filmnapok7.kek.org.hu) in cooperation with the Urbanism Department of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE) organises a film course for architecture students. The course aims to help designers to develop a broader view of the built environment and to enhance their capabilities of analysing problems with the help of cinematic structures and meanings.

The workshop will result in short-films that will be shown at the Venice Biennale in the framework of the Biennale Sessions in October.

Course tutors: Bálint Kádár, Head of KÉK and lecturer at BUTE, Klára Trencsényi documentary filmmaker

Invited lecturers: Levente Polyák, Dániel Kovács, curators of KÉK

The structure and topic of the course is developed in cooperation with architect and film-maker Jord den Hollander, the director of the Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam. As an experienced instructor den Hollander has held such workshops at the world’s leading architecture and design universities.

More information: http://www.urbanisztika.bme.hu/velencei-workshop/ 

The course is supported by the International Visegrad Fund

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